All posts by tom

More Snow – But Not For Long

As you can see in this picture, taken out a window here at work, it is snowing again. But, in just three days, I will be trading views like this for views from the deck of a cruise ship. On Friday, Georgia and I will be headed for the Caribbean and south Florida. I am […]

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Watching YouTube

It’s very cold outside – again. A good day to stay inside and watch YouTube videos of other people flying. In this one, Bruce Paylor demonstrates the wing low, one wheel technique for landing in a strong crosswind.

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What is That Yellow Ball in the Sky?

Yesterday we experienced what has been this winters rarest of weather events – a sunny day. Not only did the sun shine but, for what seems like the first time in months, it happened on a weekend. Most remarkable of all, I had an airplane reserved for a couple hours on this sunny day. Yes, […]

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Trying to Fly

I had an airplane scheduled for yesterday but, the weather stayed IFR all day. The area forecast for today was showing a window of VFR for the afternoon so, I rescheduled for today at 1 PM. It is now 10:15 AM and the TAFs are showing IFR for O’Hare and marginal VFR at 1100 feet […]

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Aviation Radio

Yesterday was the first really nice flying day we have had here for a long time. Unfortunately, I didn’t go flying. Other commitments kept me on the ground. That is going to have to change very soon. I did find a new resource for aviation information/entertainment though. The Flight Time Radio Show looks like a […]

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Between work, low ceilings and now the extreme cold, there has been no flying for me lately. Just checking in to let you know I am still here. I’m doing some studying every day and otherwise just riding out the middle of winter. I hope there will be some flying reports coming soon. Until then, […]

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Not Flying But Thinking About It

I hope you are all getting some flying in. As for me, I haven’t been airborne since December 6th. I was at work on the very few nice weather days we had recently. For the most part, we have had snow, fog and/or low ceilings just about every day. As an example, here is the […]

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Happy New Year

We have come to the end of another year – already. It was a very good one for me and I hope it was for all of you also. Getting my private pilot certificate was, of course, a major milestone for me. The Mediterranean cruise was another highlight. I am looking forward to new challenges […]

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Good Winter Reading

This is the perfect time of year to settle into your easy chair with a good aviation book. Two of my favorites are Rod Machado’s Private Pilot Handbook and Instrument Pilot’s Handbook. If you are working on either rating, I don’t think you will find better guides. I used the private pilot manual all through […]

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Happy Holidays

I hope you are all having a very happy holiday season. The FAA sent me a Christmas present today. I received my permanent pilots certificate in the days mail. It doesn’t grant any more privileges than the temporary did of course, but it is nice to have the real thing. Now I just need some […]

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