Tag Archives for " misc. "

A new “Feature” on Winging It

I know I have been very lax about writing lately. A long struggle with some emergency home repairs has been occupying my non-work time for the last two and a half months. That means no RV trips, no airshows and no other recreation this summer. So, I am introducing a new feature that will give […]

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Happy Thanksgiving

  • November 24, 2011
  • / By tom

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

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A Day for the Birds

International Crane Foundation We get up to the Wisconsin Dells area often and we always see the signs for the International Crane Foundation. We had talked about stopping before but we just never got around to it. Saturday we finally made that long delayed visit. The ICF was founded in 1973 with the purpose of […]

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A Day at the Races

Sunday was a beautiful late spring day with temperatures in the low 70s and bright sunshine. Too nice to be inside! Georgia and I enjoy horse racing but we hadn’t been to the track for a long time. Sunday looked like it would be the perfect day for it. The first race at Arlington Park […]

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 I am always on the lookout for good aviation web sites and I just turned up an outstanding one.AviaFilms Production is an aviation cockpit video making company that goes beyond the standard cockpit video. Would you like to see what a 737 captain sees during takeoff or get the view from an L-39 Albatross flying […]

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The Blizzard

  • February 3, 2011
  • / By tom

Northern Illinois, like so much of the country, was hammered by the blizzard of 2011. My workplace was closed on Wednesday but I ended up spending almost four hours of my “day off” clearing my driveway. Normally, that takes less than half an hour. The drifts were to high for the snow blower to handle […]

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A Small Setback for Georgia

On Thursday, April 29th, Georgia had an appointment with her neurologist.  The doctor confirmed that she was doing well and gave the go ahead to start taking  the full dose of Mirapex the next day. She ordered the l-dopa discontinued at the same time. We also found out Thursday that the insurance company wanted to […]

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Georgia’s Story and Why I Haven’t Been Flying or Posting Much

I have not flown an airplane since August of last year. As you might have noticed, I also haven’t posted much lately. It is time to let my readers, if I still have any, know what has been going on. Georgia’s health has been going downhill for at least the last 3 years. It was […]

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I Am Still Around

  • November 25, 2009
  • / By tom

I have been bad about posting lately. I have a lot going on but I have not been doing any flying at all recently. I want to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving.

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