Category Archives for genealogy

Types of Genealogical Evidence

Genealogists label source records and information as primary or secondary, direct or indirect, original or derivative. Recognizing the different types of evidence is an important part of evaluating the reliability of the data contained in the  sources you choose to cite. Direct vs. Indirect Evidence Direct evidence is information that explicitly provides the information without […]

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Cluster Genealogy Can Help Grow Your Family Tree

Here is a quick tip to help you get past those brick walls we all encounter. When you reach the point in your research where you are unable to trace an individual’s ancestry any further, try researching that persons siblings, aunts, uncles and cousins. It’s obvious that your 8th great-grandfathers parents are also the parents […]

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Genealogical Proof Standard

Proof of our findings is fundamental to great genealogy. Conclusions about an ancestor must have sufficient credibility to be accepted as proven. To help genealogists recognize and apply good research standards, The Board for Certification of Genealogists has encouraged the use of the Genealogical Proof Standard. While the standard might have been developed for professional […]

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Easy Way to Search ObamaCare

I am a long time family history researcher and, in my genealogy searches, I have become very familiar with the One-Step Searches of genealogy sources that Steven P. Morse has generously made available. Now Dr. Morse has turned his search methods to a project that will be useful to more than just genealogists. Go to […]

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Weekend Road Trip

Georgia and I decided Friday night that we would make a spur of the moment trip to the Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne, Indiana to do some genealogy research. We got on the road about 6:30 Saturday morning and arrived at the library just before noon. We lost an hour for the time […]

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