All posts by tom

Waukegan Air Show – 2009

The weather was perfect yesterday and, unlike last year when a money shortage forced it’s cancellation, the Waukegan Air Show was on. Georgia and I got there about 11 AM, looked over the static displays, got some lunch and staked out our spots for the 1 PM show. Warbirds from the Warbird Heritage Foundation Museum, […]

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Waukegan Airshow this Saturday

Don’t forget the Waukegan Airshow is coming up this Saturday – September 19. Gates open at 10AM and the show starts at 1PM. See you there!

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I’m Still Here

I know that I have been lax about posting lately. I have been busy at work and with my new project. As some of you already know, I have been trying my hand at freelance web content writing over on eHow. So far, it has been going well but takes a lot of time to […]

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AirVenture 2009 Video

Here is a wonderful video from AirVenture 2009 that is making a big splash on YouTube and beyond. I don’t know the young man who created it but he did a great job.

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Weekend Road Trip

Georgia and I decided Friday night that we would make a spur of the moment trip to the Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne, Indiana to do some genealogy research. We got on the road about 6:30 Saturday morning and arrived at the library just before noon. We lost an hour for the time […]

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AirVenture 2009 – Part 2

After coffee and donuts at the Aces Cafe, Saturday morning found us back at the Forums Plaza.  I chose the Safe Single Pilot IFR presentation for this session.  Now that I have started on my instrument rating, this is of special interest to me.  I picked up some good tips from Doug Stewart’s talk. We […]

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AirVenture 2009 – Part 1

Georgia and I left for Oshkosh early Friday morning and got to Whittman Field about 9AM.  Just in time to get our wrist bands and make it over to Forums Plaza for Rod Machado’s 10 o’clock presentation.  So, we got to start off the show with a good laugh. After watching Rod, we walked down […]

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AirVenture 2009 Opens Today

Today is the opening day of EAA AirVenture 2009 at Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Georgia and I will be there later in the week but, for now, I can only watch from the sidelines. There are some ways that those of us who can not attend or who are going later can follow the action from a […]

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A Weekend at the Airport

On Saturday, Georgia and I flew to Janesville for lunch at Kealy’s.  This is the first time Georgia has flown with me since her foot surgeries and, as she pointed out, the first time we have flown together on a hot summer day.  The near 90 degree temperature and light but gusty winds made this […]

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Instrument Lesson 3 – Working Hard

Yesterday’s lesson included several new tasks. I was pushed well beyond my, admittedly still pretty low, workload limit during this one. It was hard work but a very good lesson. As before, I filed IFR to the Kenosha airport, did the preflight – including a VOR check, got the ATIS and our clearance and taxied […]

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