The New Guys

Just waiting for the medical coming up on Monday. I’m pretty confident that I have everything in order and will pass so; I decided to go ahead and schedule my first lesson for next week. I called the airport a couple days ago to see what they had available. It turns out, the instructor I talked to before Thanksgiving left for a job with a small airline. That, and some instructors taking time off around the holidays, meant that the school was shorthanded. The owner said he would check with some of his part time CFIs and get back to me. Since the airport is between my work and home, I told him I would stop in to see what we could work out.

When I got to Campbell, I found out that the school had just signed on a new instructor to replace the one who left. He was up getting checked out in one of the Warriors but, if I could wait a half hour, I could probably schedule some time with him. I could wait.

The Warrior taxied up to the office just a few minutes later and, after he had talked to the chief instructor, I was introduced to Tim – the new CFI. We only talked for a short time but, so far, I like him. We scheduled lesson number one for 10 AM on Wednesday the 21st. We will be two new guys flying together. I’m looking forward to it.

  • Oblivion says:

    Excellent! Can’t wait for the write-up. Don’t forget your camera!

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