Boy, Am I Behind!

Suddenly I realized that I haven’t updated this blog in over 2 months. I blame retirement! I seem to be busier now than I was when I worked.

There has been a lot going on. Georgia and I made a couple trips to Wisconsin Dells. Then there were trips to northern Wisconsin for my niece’s wedding and one to Grand Rapids to visit Georgia’s family. It is great to be able to travel during the week and avoid that weekend traffic.

Max in the snowWe still have Max with us two nights  a week. He is growing fast and learning new things every day. He is also a typical toddler and pushing his boundaries.  Most of the time he is very good but he can be a handful when he wants his own way. Terrible Two can’t end soon enough.

Lately he has gotten very polite in his stubbornness:

“Max, can you pick up your toys?”

“No thank you.”

“Max, time for your nap.”

“No thank you.”

“Max please sit down and eat you lunch.”

“No thank you.”

What are grand parents to do?

I have also taken on another project. I am working on making a business of online marketing as a way to supplement our retirement income. I have built two new websites as part of that effort. They are Affiliate Marketing for Retirees and Wealthy Affiliate How To. Working on those takes a lot of my time too.

We had some bad luck last Friday. We were driving to a doctors appointment when we hit a deer. Georgia and I are fine. The deer died and the Jeep was totaled.

We had been talking about trading this Jeep anyway – it is a 2004 – but this isn’t how we wanted it to happen.

We have been car shopping the last couple days and last night we brought home Jeep Grand Cherokee number four. It is a 2015 Overland. Red like all our other Grand Cherokees.

Jeep Overland

Hopefully this new vehicle will take us on many fun road trips over the next few years.

I am going to make a real effort to find the time to update this blog more often. It gets hard though. Please bear with me if there are occasion gaps.



  • Gary says:

    Glad you both are safe!

    Our friends spent Thanksgiving in Wisconsin and totaled their rental car when they hit a deer, really shook them up.

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