All posts by tom

Mediterranean Cruise – Part 1

Georgia and I just got back from a 9 day Mediterranean cruise on the brand new Carnival Freedom. This was the ship’s inaugural cruise and quit an adventure for us. The itinerary for this first cruise was a little different than it will be for the regular schedule. Days 1 and 2 – Chicago to […]

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I’m Back!

We are back from our cruise. I will be posting more details about that over the next few days. My first flight in over two months is scheduled for tomorrow and the weather actually looks good. How rusty will I be?

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A Temporary Hiatus

The cold, wintry weather has finally gotten to me. I find that, due to weather and work, I am only flying every two weeks or so. That means most of my flight time is spent in review. When the weather has been good enough to fly, it hasn’t been good enough for my long cross […]

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Lesson 62 – More Dual

Sunday was a cold, gusty day with occasional snow showers so, I couldn’t do a local solo. Instead, it was another dual session fine tuning maneuvers. This time we did the ones we didn’t do on Thursday. With the airplane thawing out in the hanger, I got to do the preflight in comfort. It had […]

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Lesson 61 – Dual to Racine

I see why CFIs recommend that their students fly at least once a week and preferably more often. The two plus week layoffs I have been going through lately always leave me rusty. Today was a perfect day with clear blue skies and smooth air. Just the kind of day I want for my long […]

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Still Here

Work has forced me to restrict my flying to weekends lately. Weather has prevented me from flying on weekends lately. Net result – all work and no play! Today is another IRF day here in the Chicagoland area. Work pressure have eased some though so I scheduled lessons for both Tuesday and Thursday of the […]

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Lesson 60 – Barely Legal

It has been another long dry spell but, I managed to get in the air today – for the first time in 2007. In fact, this is the first time I have flown since before Christmas. I had scheduled the airplane from 7am to noon, hoping to beat the winds that seem to hit us […]

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Happy Holidays

The weather has kept me grounded for the last week – again. With no training news to report on this Christmas Eve, I just want to wish everyone a very happy holiday. Clear skies to all and to all a smooth flight.

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Lesson 59 – Local Solo

Finally, a day with weather good enough for a solo flight. I had the airplane reserved for two hours and planned to go out to the practice area to work on maneuvers and then back into the pattern for a few landings. As it turned out, I did get out to the practice area but, […]

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Lesson 58 – Starting Checkride Prep

I had hoped to get my long cross country done yesterday but, strong winds and rain showers prevented that again. We decided to use the winds to get in some crosswind practice. Sandy chose East Troy as our destination because I hadn’t been there before. That would give me more pilotage practice on the way. […]

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